Sunday, February 4, 2007

Frustration (January 2006)

The perfection of man is there in our hands yet we refuse to see it. We are blind to the basic necessities of life. There is no great flaw there is only great regret in not understanding that even if there was a great and powerful being, a god, then why would he give us a goal so far above possibility that we never even come close. No, that is not the case, he showed us with examples that you can be flawed and yet perfect our definition of perfect is skewed by years of fundamental misunderstandings contrived and pushed on us like some drug to keep us in subjection to those who would have you beg for your very existence. They themselves unable to embody their own principles, they relentless refuse to give up their moral high ground under the false pretenses that their understanding of the universe is infinitely more clear than yours. This my friends is the same line of thought that the heroin dealer peddles to his clients. The greatness of humanity is not found in god, yet the opposite is more to be true and that god is found in the greatness of humanity. The highest ideal is that of Man, for in our short and frail existence all the possibilities exist for one to raise themselves to the highest ideal, to perfection. Perfection needs a new definition, it should not be based on a two thousand year old model that tried to show us that it is not the high priest who have dedicated their whole lives and all of their existence to the perfection of gods laws as written in the Torah, for they are not good enough, yet they are the best that society had to offer. So clearly we are so far removed from perfection that hope only lies in the begging of forgiveness, this is the same fucked up view peddled on all of us in society that refuse to take our own actions into our own hands and claim ownership and responsibility for choices that are made. Yet we forget to see that where the same man that destroyed the temple alters went to a fisherman and said you are perfect the way you are, travel and spread my message. He said the weak will inherit the earth. These are the statements of a man trying hard to redefine perfection. That is because perfection can be found in the man and not the ideals, in his actions, not his words, and we should embrace once again the greatness of our ownership of the kingdom of heaven in Humanity.

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